Thank you Colchester Garrison

Thank you to the Colchester Garrison for their gift of £500 to our class. This will help with ongoing running costs and staff training.

Thank you!

Class photo with visitors

Thank you once again to the Tudwick Foundation and to Colchester Nepalese Society for their generous support, enabling us to purchase another three iPads, bringing the total now to six.

The children use the iPads to develop their digital literacy skills in Nepali alongside traditional reading and writing.

Hard at Work

Children and teachers continue to work very hard with Nepali language and literacy. Can you spot the iPads in use?

Working at tables
Reading together

Tudwick Foundation Visit

It was lovely to meet Colin Bennet and Valerie Shakily from the Tudwick Foundation on April 23rd 2022. We are very thankful for their gift which enabled us to purchase three iPads.

Group photo
Presentation of three iPads

Logo Design

Today we talked about our new website. The children designed some new logos which can be seen below. Their designs include aspects of Nepalese culture and learning. If you look carefully you might be able to see one of them on the tab at the top of the page.

It was difficult to choose just one, so the designs will be periodically swapped.

Sel roti, Nepalese flag, khukuri, Nepali sounds
Nepalese flag and Nepali sounds
Mount Everest in the Himalayas with prayer flags
Nepalese flag, national colour red, a holy cow, letters and numbers
Nepalese flag
Nepalese landscape with the flag
A conch shell
A rainbow in Nepal
A Nepalese flag and learning to read and write in class